Doom 2 columbine
Doom 2 columbine

doom 2 columbine

I don't know how many games like this one were avalaible then.ītw, I found very peculiar video on yt, where some guy not knowing who Eric Harris was examines his doom wads - in the end he says something like 'I bet he's succesful these days in what he does'.just. Prob Eric liked doom because it contained everything he liked - fps, brutality, monsters, sci-fi/horror, military motives etc. Rigormortis wrote: What a spooky coincidence! I also just started to play Doom 3 a few days ago out of curiosity and I'm completely absorbed by this dreadful climate, I almost peed up my pants a couple of times playing it.īut doom 2 is much different from 3 due to older graphics and hardly makes any impression on today's player,imo (anyway it deserves respect naturally), but if it goes about 90' gamers. In his journal he talks about the time he got his first gun.

doom 2 columbine

Why did Eric choose Doom? I don't know ,it may simply be preference.

doom 2 columbine

I think the Columbine massacre made Eric's fantasies come to life. The game allowed him to let off steam and kill. I think Eric's shooting fantasies may have developed around Doom. I like shooter games like ,medal of honor ,silent hill and resident evil. How much impact had the game on his fantasy of himself as a soldier and warrior?Hi Hale-Bopp ,i have never played Doom. What exactly did fascinate him on the futuristic areas and obscure monsters. Why do you think was Doom the game, Eric seemed so obsessed with? If he was just looking for a violent and gory one, he could have chosen dozens of other games. Im not that much into Games, but I really like how Doom seems to put more concentration in creating a morbid and sinister atmosphere, than in making the Game complex (the opposite of what most actual games do). Hale-Bopp wrote: Im playing Doom 3 actually (for the second time) and its clearly one of the most atmospheric Games, I have ever played.

Doom 2 columbine